
We are proud to supply exceptional medical and non-medical services to aging adults and their families. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for seniors while offering peace of mind to their adult children.

Our Promise to You

CareUnit.us is founded on the steadfast commitment to positively impact the lives of aging adults through an extensive range of services. Carrie Dunkley, along with her dedicated team, established this firm with a mission centered on a daily dedication to this cause.

office information

Serving Charlotte, Lee & Collier County, Florida: Miami-Dade County, Florida; Sarasota County, Florida; Palm Beach County, Florida; Maricopa County, AZ; San Francisco, CA; Twin Cities, MN; New York; US Virgin Islands; Tokyo, Japan; London, England; Hong-Kong, China; Beijing, China; Singapore.

Serving Charlotte, Lee, Collier, and other
Major Cities across the U.S. and the World.